They hang out with General Veers, they drive one of the coolest vehicles in the galaxy, and they can blast snowspeeders with ease. AT-AT drivers — Imperial soldiers trained to steer massive transports of destruction — are awesome. Now, thanks to ANOVOS’ Empire-approved new ensemble, available for pre-order, Star Wars costumers can wear screen-accurate outfits made famous by the Rebel-base destroyers.


With a design based on the threatening TIE fighter pilot gear from Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, combined with more pronounced elements of the classic stormtrooper look, the AT-AT driver outfit is familiar but unique — and singularly of the Empire. For their new ensemble, ANOVOS went straight to the source — the Lucasfilm Archives — to study actual artifacts from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, in which the AT-AT drivers made their debut during the Battle of Hoth. And the suit features all the hardware and soft goods seen in the film. With ANOVOS’ AT-AT Driver ensemble, you will feel ready to take on the entire Rebellion yourself.

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  1. This is a really cool item for those who want to own an AT-AT helmet. This is for the whole costume of course, but they will offer the helmet an armor fairly soon, like they’ve done with everything else. From what I know, its going to be a modified MonCal design, who is pretty well known throughout the prop community.

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