Meet The Most Powerful Force In The Star Wars Universe: The Man Who Makes The Toys
Fast Company spoke with Steve Evans, Hasbro’s Star Wars design director and the man responsible for every The Force Awakens toy.
With Star Wars toys being such big business—and so important to Hasbro’s bottom line for years to come—you might think that the man responsible for overseeing the most hotly anticipated toy line of all time might be concerned if its merchandise will sell as well as investors hope. But according to Evans, there’s only one group of people he’s interested in impressing: the fans.
“There’s a great sense of responsibility because it’s such a big franchise, and it’s such an important franchise to many people throughout the world of all ages and all genders,” says Evans, 42, who includes himself in that group of fans he wants to impress.
See the full story at Fast Company.
This whole article is fascinating, from the look into the design and manufacturing process to the reveal that the figures so far are only from the first third of the film.