NYCC 2015: Hasbro’s ‘Twas the Night Before… Party
Check out images of Hasbro’s upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens products.
Check out our photo galleries for full coverage:
- The Black Series
- 6″ Figures
- Kylo Ren Electronic Voice Changer Helmet
- Titanium Series
- Hero Series – 12″ Figures
- Jedi Force
- Micro Machines
Be sure to check back for our interview with the Hasbro Star Wars team.
New items for each line include:
- Han Solo
- Ello Asty
- First Order TIE Fighter Pilot
- General Hux
- Resistance Trooper
- Snowtrooper
The Black Series – Titanium Series – Mini-Helmets
These helmets will be sold as 2-packs for $14.99.
- Kylo Ren
- First Order Stormtooper
- Captain Phasma
- Poe Dameron
The Black Series – Titanium Series – Vehicles
- Jakku Landspeeder
- Anakin Skywalker’s Jedi Interceptor
- mockup box labeled as Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi Interceptor
- A-wing Fighter
- Imperial Star Destroyer
- Republic Gunship
- Sith Infiltrator
- Imperial Shuttle
- Rey
- First Order TIE Fighter Pilot
- BB-8
- includes removable arms
- may be part of a pack; exact release is still undecided
- First Order TIE Fighter with TIE Pilot
- Resistance X-wing with Poe Dameron
- Rey and Finn
- Captain Phasma and Riot Control Stormtrooper
- Kylo Ren and First Order Flametrooper
Micro Machines – 5-packs with Figures
- Star Wars Rebels: Wookiee Gunship, The Ghost, The Phantom, Imperial Troop Transport, AT-DP, The Inquisitor, Kanan Jarrus
- Return of the Jedi: Wedge Antilles’ X-wing Fighter, B-wing Fighter, Millennium Falcon (without radar dish), Star Destroyer, TIE Interceptor, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker
- The Force Awakens: First Order TIE Fighter, Resistance X-wing Fighter, Poe Dameron’s X-wing Fighter
- Revenge of the Sith: ARC-170 Fighter, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi Starfighter, Droid Tri-Fighter
- The Empire Strikes Back: Super Star Destroyer, Millennium Falcon, TIE Bomber
- First Order Transport
- TIE Interceptor
- First Order TIE Fighter Elite
- Resistance X-wing Fighter
- Poe Dameron’s X-wing Fighter
- Vulture Droid
- Anakin Skywalker’s Jedi Starfighter
- Speeder Bike
- B-wing Fighter
- Rancor
- Jabba’s Sail Barge
Check out Hasbro’s official product photography as well.