No ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Panel at SDCC 2017
Disney-Lucasfilm will not be hosting a Star Wars: The Last Jedi panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2017.
The Unofficial San Diego Comic-Con blog reported:
The lack of Star Wars The Last Jedi at Comic-Con was confirmed by The Unofficial San Diego Comic-Con blog after our pal Germain Lussier said there would not be a panel dedicated to the sequel while appearing on their podcast recently. The good news is that Lucasfilm will still be at Comic-Con, but as a spokesperson from their publicity department said, “Our presence at SDCC 2017 will be focused on our booth on the convention floor, so there will be no press events or interview opportunities this year.”
This is disappointing but, there is another… the D23 Expo will run July 14 through 16 and there should be new information coming out of there.
BOOOOOO! Star Wars has had a panel at Comic-Con going back 41 years, this is not a good sign that Disney is respecting the Lucasfilm traditions.
Well, at least they haven't pulled a "Disney Power Rangers" CEO bonehead type move of going out of their way to actively and completely destroy the franchise… yet.
I hate the "I knew it" feelings I have now, starting from back when Disney bought this franchise. There is a difference between "Disney-phile" and "Star Wars fan" in connotation. 🙁 Now, I still won't be at SDC-C, so it might sound sour grapes-y, but I don't intend it to be so. IHABFAT…