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  1. The Probe Droid looks like a new sculpt; the Wampa looks like a simplified, scaled down version of the 6" (probably sharing digital files) but that still is a "new sculpt" in my book.

  2. I am so glad to see the return of the 3 3/4 SA figures to the main line. Even though I've got most of the recent figures from the Walmart exclusive waves, the ability to army build some FO stormies, Deathtroopers, and Shoretroopers has got me fairly excited. I'm not excited about the Imperial Assault Tank as it never struck me as a very Star Warsy design, but I'm really rooting for this line to do well.

  3. Another presentation, another failure to announce just one original trilogy figure that has not been made before. No cantina alien. No Jabba's Palace alien. No Sim Aloo. But hey, long term collectors sure need another Hoth Luke.

  4. Droid

    Another presentation, another failure to announce just one original trilogy figure that has not been made before. No cantina alien. No Jabba's Palace alien. No Sim Aloo. But hey, long term collectors sure need another Hoth Luke.

    I certainly feel your frustration. I mean, of the figures they showed, only one is a new sculpt and frankly, Dr. Aphra is one of the few characters from the fan choice poll that I had absolutely no interest in. Almost any other figure could have won and gotten me more excited. BUT. The panel slide specifically states that this line will include "classic characters, never expressed in super articulated format before." Now, it's up to interpretation, but my hope is that includes those last few aliens and characters from the OT we haven't gotten yet. Of course, they'll be mixed in with stuff from new media, the reissues and repacks; that's how this line will survive. So the fact that there's nothing "new" to get us started is frustrating, but so long as the line can last for a bit, there's a chance that this offers what collectors like you and I are looking for.

  5. It's just annyoning to me that the focus can be so strongly on the 6 inch line that an entire year can go by without ONE 3 3/4 character a year from the original trilogy that hasn't been made before. I don't expect the line will cater to me at this point, but I'd like to buy two or three figures a year for nostalgia purposes. Mosep was the last figure I purchased. I wonder at times if it will be the LAST figure I purchased.

  6. "classic characters, never expressed in super articulated format before"
    Tarkin. Bib Fortuna. Yak Face. I can see them not doing any characters that have NEVER been made before. Though I certainly might buy a few articulated resculpts, I would like something NEW.

  7. The tank thing has me excited about vehicles going forward. If they can do that, then imagine what they could do with Vader's TIE, an updated y-wing, or , I dare to dream, a TIE defender. For the first time in many years, Lego may be getting less of my money than Hasbro.

  8. Droid

    Another presentation, another failure to announce just one original trilogy figure that has not been made before. No cantina alien. No Jabba's Palace alien. No Sim Aloo. But hey, long term collectors sure need another Hoth Luke.

    True true. Also, great meme avatar!


    The tank thing has me excited about vehicles going forward. If they can do that, then imagine what they could do with Vader's TIE, an updated y-wing, or , I dare to dream, a TIE defender. For the first time in many years, Lego may be getting less of my money than Hasbro.

    Yeah, fingers crossed that they stop being stupid about vehicles pricing and design, stop trying to over-compromise and do what this line did best for so many years on a more regular basis.

  9. JediTricks

    Yeah, fingers crossed that they stop being stupid about vehicles pricing and design, stop trying to over-compromise and do what this line did best for so many years on a more regular basis.

    I agree 100%. I think the last vehicle I bought was the resculpt of the AT-ST that had far better proportions and articulation than the POTF2 (which was really just the original POTF) one. While I was interested in some of the figures from TFA and Rogue One, the vehicles were all undersized and/or incorporated some ridiculous nerf blaster feature that dramatically changed the appearance of the vehicle from what was seen on screen. Those are deal breakers for me. At least in the "good old days" Hasbro used to at least hide the missile launchers so that they weren't noticeable. Now, it seems like they're a primary feature. Even on the AT-ST I mentioned above, it came with a missile launcher that could be swapped in for the movie accurate chin guns. I don't understand why they went away from this concept (also seen on the most recent versions of the B-Wing), other than I guess, it's more expensive to include two pieces where they could just pick one.

  10. Again, I apologize for the quality of the photos as we had to use a cell phone camera which also meant we couldn't do live coverage because the phone was used to take the photos. Hindsight, we should have just went with the live coverage instead of the photos. It was a mess but lesson learned…

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