Master Replicas is Back!
Many collectors will surely remember Master Replicas… they are the company that manufactured high-end prop replicas before going out of business. Well, they are back with a new name… Master Replicas Group and they plan on bringing the new innovations to collectibles.
You can read about their upcoming plan here.
That's… confusing!
They need to prove they are able to make nice props in a timely manner, with a decent customer service and communication, respect for all collectors, including international ones, before our trust should go to any of these companies anymore. We trusted others and look where we are now. I really hope this will be good news and not just some bait.
OUCH! That says a lot. I get that prop replicas are a tough manufacturing business and everybody has delays, but you have to manage those, you can't just let them steamroll your customers.
It's going to be interesting to see how much they can incorporate technology into Star Wars products.
After some of the things that have happened over the recent years, I think there will be alot of people gun shy about pre ordering anything. Hope that they are different, but at this point if I wouldn't order anything until its made.