‘Star Wars’ toys may not be enough to save Hasbro from Toys R Us bankruptcy woes


Hasbro is slated to report fourth-quarter earnings on Wednesday, but Davidson analyst Linda Bolton Weiser said she doesn’t expect the company to beat Wall Street’s expectations.

Residual effects from Toys R Us’ bankruptcy weighed heavily on rival Mattel’s earnings during the crucial holiday period, and Weiser foresees a similar impact on Hasbro.

Read the full story at CNBC.com

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  1. For some reason, I’d love to see Disney buy Hasbro.

    I wouldn’t. So far I’m not a fan of 95% of the stuff they’ve done with Lucasfilm/Star Wars since getting their hands on it and I’m not a fan with how they (on an executive level) constantly tried to throw Power Rangers under a bus for nearly the nine years that they owned it. Considering the recent Saban Hasbro dealings, I don’t want to see Power Rangers under their thumb again.

  2. My mom wanted to go, so I took her on Friday to TRU. It was the same as it’s been for a while, and part of that is the overly-tall displays leading to a dark environment. They had some new items in the smaller-interest collector focus section, but otherwise it was business as usual – nothing new in SW. I ended up buying some Hot Wheels and my first Funko Pop (Tron), and felt a little sad that this could be the last time I go to TRU. My mom also bought her first Funko Pop (10th Doctor with hand), and felt similarly melancholy about the closing.
  3. I was near a TRU that I don’t often visit (and cannot recall when I last bought an item from it)… one of the saddest days in my toy collecting life: not much left on the shelves, stuff strewn about, more adults than kids. Even with discounts, I couldn’t find anything I wanted to buy. :cry:
  4. Went to Los Feliz TRU yesterday. They’re only at a 10% discount so far, but it was an utter mob. Had not seen that many people in line there for anything and I’ve been there for four different Midnight Madness sales. Sad times…
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