Home Forums A BIG Thanks Is In Order….

  • A BIG Thanks Is In Order….

    Posted by Unknown Member on December 16, 2001 at 10:05 AM

    Remember when the new current forums were launched a few months back and we had a “referral” award thing going for a month or two,the more referrals you had the better your chance at winning a prize which was a “POTJ Tour” pin(Duro)?

    Anyway I won!!! and that pin was sent,I recieved the Tour pin today (THANKS SIRSTEVE!!!!!!!) and I’d like to also thank those 12 people who put me in the referral box when you signed up :)

    I would send each of the 12 people a letter thanking them but the page that had everyone listed with referrals and who referred them is now gone(?)

    So I send my THANKS to the 12 nice people(of the 50 or 60 I sent it too ;)) and Sirsteve for the pin and I wish you all a very best “Christmas” and a great collecting year next year….

    Thanks(cant say it enough),I’ve never won anything so its a big deal to me and it’ll make a nice addition to my Olympic pin collection!

    EDIT:- Also if anyone esle has the Duros POTJ Tour pin let me hear your thoughts on it? Besides the fact its big,all I need now is the other two pins :D

    Thanks all,I now give you permission to return to your regular posting! ;)

    And Yes Master Jedi and Others this is PROBABLY My longest thread/post on the new forums

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 1 month ago 0 Member · 6 Replies
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