And now…SUPER Deluxe!
The forthcoming Deluxe line is great and long overdue idea. And as I’ve said before, Ephant Mon insures that there will be at least two releases. Also, as I’ve said before, we need a “Super Deluxe” Jabba the Hutt Playset”. Not to beat a dead TaunTaun, I have none the less repeated the description of my dream Jabba the Hutt here along with a few other “Super Deluxe” line selections. Feel free to make your own recomendations…
Boss Nass/Falumpaset – From the final celebration on Naboo, a seated Boss Nass would be accompanied by a larger Falumpaset (than the one that came with the poorly realized battlewagon) with ARTICULATED head, neck, legs, and knees (so it can stoop). Nass’ traveling howdah/couch would be included as well as a Gungan musician and the (I believe Don Madsen) little person of Naboo who took the animal’s reigns.
Luke/Wampa – A better rendition of the Wampa both in scale and sculpt. With an ARTICULATED neck, as well as jointed elbows and knees (plus a removable lower arm). The pair would come packaged in an ice cave enviornment (what would be cool is to have the icecicles cast in translucent plastic and overpainted in white and attached to the solid white plastic ceiling. A pegged section in the ceiling would accomodate Luke for hanging and this improved Wampa-cave Luke would feature better range of motion in the arms (for lightsabre reaching), articulated elbows and knees, and the articulated streamers as in the original. A lightsabre hilt w/removable blade is included with a spot in the floor into which the hilt can be slotted. TaunTaun bones and a big, meaty drumstick round out the accessories. Perhaps even a “Spirit of Obi-Wan” figure would be a nice touch as well (but not in blue, but rather a light tan translucent plastic with light overpaint to give color to the face, beard, and cloaks and a look accurate to the shot in Empire. This figure could be cast in a single piece with no articulation as it would be more of a cool pack-in than an actual figure.
Yoda/Luke – Yes, you guessed it, a Yoda’s hut interior complete with Yoda, Luke, cook pots, fire place, snakes, and a very muddy R2-D2. Luke would have articulated elbows and knees plus the Cantina Han-style legs so he can sit down in Yoda’s house. There would even be a litte bunk with a cloth blanket so Yoda can pass away upon Luke’s return. The Luke would of course be decked out in his Bespin fatigues and have a pistol and lunch box of terrible food.
And the jewel in the crown…
Jabba the Hutt Deluxe Playset – I’m probably not the first to suggest as much, but i have an idea of what would make this far superior to the original. The playset should include as its centerpiece, Jabba’s throne. But not just the throne itself, include the brazier and spit (with removable roast) behind Jabba as well as the arch from which a removable (perhaps magnetic) Wol Caba(censored)e can attempt to lick C-3PO.
Of course Jabba is a must, in repose as in ROTJ with a SEATED Salacious Crumb. Be sure not to cut corners on Jabba, make him as accurate as possible and avoid gimics!
The playset would be rounded out with the inclusion of not one but TWO additional figures, C-3PO (slime stained, be fair this would not make a good stand alone figure, but as part of a playset it is quite appropriate) and, of course, a seated Princess Leia (she would have to be designed to be forever in a seated position, but then that’s how most of her time as Jabba’s prisoner was spent, and there is already a standing version anyway).Well, that’s all I’ve got…
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