Another scarry thought (heart be still)…
We were all kind of expecting the Teebo wave next year to be the series enders and difficult to get. What if we thought wrong and the scarcity of POTJ series enders begins with the FX-7 wave?
No one has seen them at retail and it’s probably the best time of year to do so. Wal-Mart doesn’t officially carry the things any more. Target and K-Mart are sitting on enough Ketwals to put an end to any new orders being placed. TRU has been a joke for a year. This has happened before, where figures that were going to be of regular distribution have gone scarce (Death Star Trooper, Ree-Yees, Dark Trooper, etc.).
I hope I’m not too paronoid with this ending quote:“I have a bad feeling about this.”
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