Attention SAGA forumites! Concerning jingofett
First off sorry I wasn’t on sooner!
I have received several PM’s from some of you and I want to thatk you for alerting me to this problem. It ws also asked by a couple if we could clean this crap up now that he has been banned. I have been scanning through most of the threads and unfourtunatly(sp) I have come to this conclustion.
I am going to Delete all of jingofett’s threads and any other replys he had to other threads. Now I now some of you have posted in said threads and this will decrease your count. I’m sorry, this is the only way to clean it up. I can’t leave half threads of you guys complaining about someone who isn’t there.
So, here shortly you will start to see his threads and replys dissapear. If you have any problems with this, please PM me.
Thanx all:D
Dar’ Argol
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