Aurra Sing’s Mother/
I just read the new Emissaries to Malastare graphic novel. And when Mace Windu reaches Nar Shadda and rescues that old woman, she thanks him and stuff. But she also says that the Jedi took her daughter to be trained. When you take a close look at the old lady, she is very pale, white almost, and she has deep eye sockets and red eyes. Her fingers are a little longer than a humans and her fingernails are gray. She has red hair and is somewhat thin. But, what I found most interesting is the antennae sticking out of her head, in the same place as Aurra. Now, there seem to be a lot of similarities between her and Aurra Sing. So, I am thinking that she is Aurra Sing’s mother. What do you think, if you have read Emissaries to Malastare, very good in my opinion.
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