Home Forums Baby Luke And Baby Leia…

  • Baby Luke And Baby Leia…

    Posted by Unknown Member on May 28, 2002 at 3:03 PM

    Okay, I know this was discussed someplace and I’ve looked all over, but I just can’t find the thread I’m looking for. But anyway, there was a brief discussion about whether or not Luke and Leia should be seen during Episode 3. Someone argued that it would take away from the OT because new viewers of Star Wars would watch it 1 – 6. And those new viewers would know who Luke and Leia are and it would take away from ESB and Vader’s line.
    Well, I just thought about something. If they’re not going to put the twins in Episode 3, then you have to do something with Anakin/Vader. Because in ANH, Obi-Wan said that Vader killed Luke’s father. Well, we all know that means, but new viewers to ANH wouldn’t, unless they watched the Prequels. What I’m getting at is if showing the twins in Episode 3 would ruin things for new people in the OT, so would showing Anakin becoming Darth Vader (which I’m pretty sure he’d have to by Episode 3 – I only think anyway, in no way confirming this, so I’m not trying to spoil anything :D). So in order not to ruin anything there would have to be another Vader in Episode 3 who fights with Anakin and he seems to kill Ani. Then everyone would still be surprised in ESB when Vader tells Luke that he is his father.
    I really don’t think that could work, so there is really no way to prevent “ruining” the ESB line for new viewers. They’d just have to watch it from the OT to the Prequels.

    End (finally) :).

    Unknown Member replied 22 years, 6 months ago 0 Member · 42 Replies
  • 42 Replies

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