Home Forums Bogus Trader

  • Bogus Trader

    Posted by Unknown Member on December 3, 2001 at 6:20 AM

    I don’t know if any of you remember, but a few months back, I posted the name and address of some loser who essentially stole a figure from me. It was supposed to be a 1:1 trade. I had a Scout Trooper with no gun in the bubble, and he was supposed to send me a CommTech Stormtrooper in exchange. I sent mine. I never received his.


    Now I see a Scout Trooper figure on EBay just like the one that I sent to him. The names don’t match up so there’s no telling if it’s the same guy, but who knows.


    To make matters worse, the figure is up to over $150 bucks! What a rip.

    Just thought I’d vent. And if any of you are ready to come with me to beat the living sh** out of this guy, let me know.

    Some people really suck.


    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 2 months ago 0 Member · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies

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