Home Forums Buying on line…

  • Buying on line…

    Posted by Unknown Member on November 19, 2001 at 9:57 PM

    I have read of a lot of people seemingly making the jump to just buying on line and forgetting the increasingly headache prone hunting at stores.

    Am I getting the right impression here? Have a lot of you just started to pay the higher price and shipping cost to just get the damn things and not run around? I have switched jobs recently and it has been a REAL pain in the @&& to go looking. The idea of getting them on line has come up, BUT I do have a few questions….if you don’t mind…

    Who do you trust to buy from?

    Do you consider the prices fair?

    How do the pieces come to your home (any damaged or really screwed up looking figures?)

    Is customer service good or even existant (something I believe most of the retail stores have completely given up on!)?

    Do they come in a timely fashion, not weeks after you may have even seen them in stores yourself? I understand a lot of people have recieved the FX-7 wave already, is this the standard?

    I STRONGLY anticipate a HUGE problem picking up the Teebo wave next year and am considering the on-line buying thingy, so thanks for your answers.

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 2 months ago 0 Member · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies

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