comparing vehicles across the galoob lines
i got a few vehicles laying around my work surface, and decided to do a quick comparison of which vehicles from which line i like the best.
In comparing the vehicles across the micro machines lines, i am ignoring the functional features (as this would be unfair, cause with the exception of a few, none of the mm’s have functional features), and concentrating solely on the appearance curb appeal.
1st release of the alpha red 3. This action fleet version wins hands down. The look is crisp, the white coloring around the engines, and the scarlet red paint scheme used for the striping makes this x-wing the leader of the pack!
Millennium falcon
action fleet version, although i fell that the mm versions paint scheme is closer to “authentic” the radar dish on mm, as well as the dc, and x-ray, is so clumsy, it takes away from the over all appearance.
mm all the way. The overall appearance in terms of scale is just right. The action fleet version is…..ahhhhh, well jeddah, you can probably answer better than anyone else what the faults are with the af version.
die cast! This one is soooooo cool! It even has the separated ring back part of the engine exhaust! Plus this ship feels so good in metal!
Shuttle tyderium
mm. The shape is accurate, unlike the af version. I’d give it to the royal guard playset variant with the movable wings, except the wings don’t fold beyond 90 degrees like they should. (Didn’t i say something along the lines of not judging functional features….sheeesh)
tie bomber
die-cast. Everything about this version is perfect! The mm version is a close 2nd, but the die-cast version is truly a great toy!
Tie fighter
toss up between die cast and mm. I love the overall shape of the die cast, but the color of the mm version (the greyer version) is great! Call it a draw.
Darth vader tie advanced
mm version, right scale, right color, right everything!
Slave I
mm version, the af one is not bad, but the black cockpit on the mm, make this a truly menacing machine!
sith infiltrator
af is the clear winner here. from the paint scheme, down to the nitty gritty details, this is one incredible toy
That’s all for now, when i git home, I’ll do more comparisons.
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