Home Forums Darth: Title Or Name?

  • Darth: Title Or Name?

    Posted by Unknown Member on August 19, 2001 at 12:46 AM

    Okay, I know this must sound wierd, but I was thinking this a while back: in ANH, the way that Obi Wan says Darth Vader, it seems as though Darth is Vader’s first name. But now with characters like Sidious and Maul having Darth added in front, it almost seems like it’s a title, not a name.
    My reason for thinking this was when Obi Wan said: “Only a master of evil, Darth.” Now, if Darth was a title, like Mister, for example, would you say: “Only a master of evil, Mister” ? I mean, I know that you could say that, but it doesn’t sound right, lol.
    So, my question is (after all that rambling I just did) was the word Darth meant to be a title of a Sith or just Vader’s first name?

    Oh, BTW, how do you get the icons on the side of the post? I used to use Plo Koon, but I don’t see any drop box to select it anymore.

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 5 months ago 0 Member · 35 Replies
  • 35 Replies

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