Home Forums Deadbeats!!!!!

  • Deadbeats!!!!!

    Posted by Unknown Member on June 1, 2002 at 7:49 AM

    I just wanted to put the word out while I am here so maybe someone will see this post and save themselves the hassle of trading with a deadbeat.
    Well, I guess I shouldn’t say that. There could be some logical explanation, but, anyway, here’s the deal….
    A few weeks ago, I arranged two deals with fellow SSG users. One, CooljoE, two, Toolshed. CooljoE followed through his end of our bargain with flying colors and we shared a great trading experience. I was even able to grab his preference last minute fresh out a new case at WM. So anyone who is negotiating with him, good for you.
    Toolshed, on the other hand, has yet to live up his end. He offered me a Dooku that I needed at the time at cost(w/discount, he works at TRU suposedly) + shipping. I sent a money order for $10(for his trouble) and haven’t seen hide nor hair of the figure. Now, benefit of the doubt, I send an email or two to let him know the M.O. should be arriving even though CooljoE’s figure has already arrived and I sent my package to CJ and the M.O. the same day. After 2 or 3 emails, I haven’t seen or heard from him or the Dooku. I’ve run across tons of them since but that doesn’t change a thing!!!
    I feel pretty ripped off, and the only thing I can do is post here to try to save someone else the trouble of getting screwed. And I’ll put it on every thread I post or reply to,

    Toolshed is a DEADBEAT TRADER and a disgrace to Star Wars collecting across the universe. Until I receive my Dooku, I’ll not stop tagging it wherever I go.

    It really makes a person wary of trading, even though the person you may be negotiating with is legit. My trash could be your treasure and my treasure could be collecting dust in your trade pile, and one f****r has to screw it up for everyone.

    This is one Jedi that is no longer clouded by the darkside of the Toolshed!

    Please let me know I’m not alone.
    Thanks for listening

    TOOLSHED IS A DEADBEAT TRADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    CooljoE RULES FOR GETTING MY IMPERIAL OFFICER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Unknown Member replied 22 years, 6 months ago 0 Member · 3 Replies
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