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  • Deluxe Anakin…

    Posted by Unknown Member on June 8, 2002 at 9:15 PM

    Okay, so I opened it. I was going to wait until someone else could offer their opinion of it, but no one did, and I couldn’t wait anymore :crazed:. It’s not so bad, actually.

    Pose(s): The Anakin is not so over-posed as his Hangar Duel counterpart. It’s still basically a one-pose wonder, but the stance isn’t as wide (which I would think would make this a candidate for the speeder, as he can actually sit down).
    The Geonosian has a pretty normal pose, pretty similar to the Geonosian Warrior, with its arms in a slightly different position.

    Sculpt: Eh, they’re not bad. The Anakin has a primal scream going on for him and his eye brows are huge, but I guess it’s okay.
    The Geonosian’s is okay too.

    Misc: The gimmick on the Anakin (I think) is somewhat better than the Hanager Duel version. It actually looks like he’s swiping his lightsabers, and not (physically impossibly) twirling one like with the HD. The gimmick is: There is button on the back. Once pused, it brings his arms together and crosses the two lightsabers. His wrists also have articulation which can help for different poses. However, his neck seems to have no articulation and I think I’m seeing glue there.
    The Genosian is a little lack-luster here. The paint kinda sucks, it’s just this flat green and it gimmick is, well, meh… He’ll stay together, nice and tight, when you have Anakin hitting him. But if you touch the thing the wrong way, he’ll fall apart. And the wings don’t have the ball joint anymore. They’re just plugged in and can only move in a circle.

    I don’t know. For this one, I’d give maybe a 6 out of 10. It has some decent playability, especially for a kid (I mean, who doesn’t want to recreate Geonosians getting chopped in half? 👿 ). And I think it would look okay just displayed, but I’ll have to find a decent place to put it.

    End :).

    Unknown Member replied 22 years, 7 months ago 0 Member · 10 Replies
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