Did anyone find…?
…worth noting? Like the under-distributed late Episode One figure waves? I mean, this would have been the weekend to put them out, what with Ep.I on Fox and all, and the start of the holiday shopping season. I personally would LOVE to find the TC-14 and R2-B1 that I lack, not to mention the Motti and Leia from the later CommTech waves. In my area, there’s no shortage of the new deluxe figures (shirtless Maul/Bacta Luke), nor any shortage of TIE Interceptors or Emperor’s Wrath wave figures. The Ketwol wave has been ‘peg-warming’ for weeks now, so let’s stop talking about them already, okay? What I’d like to read more of are threads of stuff actually showing up for the first time, or old stuff re-appearing. I can’t believe I’m still reading threads saying “WOW! I just found Duros!” Sheesh!:dead:
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