Dixieme Planete
sicqnus, post: 2922958 wrote:We made this summer a special edition of french magazine Dixieme Planete dedicated to MM, AF and Titaniums.
A full, comprehensive guide of 88 full color pages. A small interview of Jim Fong is inside. Alas, it’s all in french but we spent lot of time to make this as it is a best-of of many articles written in previous issues.Best.
sicqnus, post: 2922963 wrote:There are a few issues available left.http://dixieme-planete.histoireetcollections.com/hors-serie.html
Click on “ajouter au panier” (add to basket).
Then click on the left menu “mon panier” (my basket).
Price is 10.95€
Shipping cost to USA is 12.00 €
Then it will cost 22.95€ s&h incl. ($31.83)I am resurrecting this old topic just to let you know how good the issue Hors-Série #8 of the French magazine Dixième Planète about MicroMachines, Action Fleet and Titanium is.
Perhaps I am quite late on this subject (I am *always* late ), and maybe a lot of you already have this issue, but nevertheless, having just finished to read it and being so enthusiastic about it, I wanted to write this post in case anybody of you still do not know it. :shocked:
There are more than 80 pages of glazed paper full of pictures and interesting articles in this magazine.
It starts with a presentation of the Micro Collections before SW MicroMachines, then there are 3 sections devoted to MicroMachines, Action Fleet, and Titanium respectively, followed by a presentation of “other” micro SW vehicles.The best developed part is the Action Fleet one (whose author I suspect is our Sicqnus :yes: ). Besides articles about AF history (including no less than a foreword by Jim Fong himself, former Design Director of Galoob AF department, depicting how the line started), there is an exhaustive section which presents each AF vehicle, battle pack/mini scene, and AF playset (even those just prototyped and not produced) with pictures and clever reviews by the point of view of accuracy, details, painting, and curiosities. If you are experts of this line maybe you already know most of these facts, because you already read them here and there, but in this magazine there are “all” of them; from the engraving inside the AF Millennium Falcon, to the squashed alien under the AF APC Transport (yes, there are also Alien, Predator, and Starship Troopers vehicles and beasts).
The other two sections, about MicroMachines and Titanium, have interesting and thorough articles, and a lot of pictures, but they are presented in a less systematic way and they lack the cards for each item like in the AF section. It would be great if Dixieme Planete presented other monographic issues about these two subjects with the same approach of the Action Fleet section (for Titanium it would be great to involve Warstar adding pictures to his list, which already contains descriptions for all the vehicles).
Only drawback the magazine is in French (yes, American friends, there is something outside USA j/k of course!). In any case I was able to read it quite easily (I am Italian) having just a scholastic knowledge of the language (after all the subject is well known by a fan, so I was able to guess most of the words without even use a dictionary), so do not be scared by this.
In conclusion I just wanted to let you know this is a very interesting magazine, although quite expensive, but imho a must-have for a MM and AF collector. :thumbsup:
JediGoofyP.S. By the way, Dixième Planète issues include other interesting themes, like SW Action Figures, SW Vehicles and Playsets for Action Figures, Marvel Heroclix, etc. If the care in these issues is the same as that in the issue about MM, AF, and Titanium they are probably very interesting too.
P.P.S. On the same subject I only know the issue #118 of Lee’s Toy Review magazine (august 2002), which included a “Complete guide to Star Wars MicroMachines & Action Fleet”. In that case the insert was exhaustive about the different cards and boxes variations, with plenty of pictures, but there were no comments at all; it was just a pictorial list of the different items in the lines, worth to have a look at though. Another SSG’s forummer was involved in that project too, Shinakuma. He was very active on the boards at that time, but I do not know if he frequents the forum anymore. In case he is still here around: ciao Shinakuma!
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