Droids (not the cartoon please) TOP FIVE
Frankly I couldn’t find enough droids to warrant a Top Ten list, so I am going for a Top Five instead. This will allow for some variety in the responses. And now, JediCole’s Top Five droid choices:
5. CZ-3 – This type of droid seems a staple of the Star Wars Universe, appearing in some form (working or junked) in Episodes IV-VI. CZ-3 can be seen wandering the streets of Mos Eisley when Luke sells his speeder.
4. R2-A6 – It just bothers me that we have this droid in the 12″ scale and not the 3.75″ scale.
3. R-3PO – The Hoth Rebel Base’s red protocol droid.
2. PK Droids two-pack – These little guys really complement the droid-dependant society of the Trade Federation. Please, Hasbro, if you make them, make them chrome silver! And include a goodly pile of Battle Droid parts for them to collect.
1. R4-M9 – Someone has to lead packs of those Rebel scum off of the Tantive IV after they are captured. This little droid is one I’ve wanted for over 20 years. I love the distinctive dome and apart from the clear dome astromechs, we would have at least one representative of each type.
What are your favorite five droids? I had at least eleven more droids on my list that I narrowed down to the top five here.
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