Editing Signature Woes
Sorry, JT, there’s one in every bunch and I must be ‘it’ because I just don’t get it…..
Computers aren’t my strong point in life. Computing in my day meant counting on my fingers. If more memory was needed, I took off my shoes and socks!
When I registered, I did not put in a signature line as this old worthless laptop we’re allowed to use here at work doesn’t allow for international symbols. So, I waited until I came home to enter my sig line as my home unit allows me to put in the necessary foreign symbols that resides in my sig line (which, you may remember is: “Que la fuerza to acompane”….).
Anyway…….when I go into the CP User to edit my profile and click the ‘edit signature’ button, I get a box with the heading “vBulletin Message’ and ‘SSG Forums’ in the box. Where do I go from here to try to get my sig line back in my profile?
Sorry for being the slow one around these here computers, but, hey! Truth hurts! I don’t know if anyone else has this problem, but if they do, I thought I’d volunteer to look like the dummy that I am to get this resolved.
Thanks in advance for the assist!
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