Home Forums For those who ever cared about those CommTech Chips!

  • For those who ever cared about those CommTech Chips!

    Posted by Unknown Member on October 26, 2001 at 4:33 PM

    For those who ever wondered about those darnded little chips here are the list and totals.
    CommTech Chips With Numbers

    Character Names & Numbers

    Classic Trilogy (10 Total)

    Jawa C1
    R2-D2 with “Holographic” Princess Leia C2
    Luke Skywalker C3
    Greedo C4
    Han Solo C5
    Darth Vader C6
    Stormtrooper C7
    Princess Leia Organa C8
    Admiral Motti C9
    Wuher C11

    Episode 1 (51 Total, or 54 with all varients of the battle droids)

    Qui-Gon Jinn 1
    Obi-Wan Kenobi 2
    Anakin Skywalker 3
    Padme Naberrie 4
    Jar Jar Binks 5
    Queen Amidala 6
    R2-D2 7
    C-3PO 8
    CommTech Reader 9
    Captian Panaka 10
    Ric Olie 11
    Queen Amidala Couriscant 12
    Anakin Skywalker Jedi 13
    Qui-Gon Jinn Naboo 14
    Obi-Wan Kenobi Naboo 15
    Naboo Foot Soldier 16
    Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Master 17
    Senator Palpatine 18
    Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Master 19
    Mace Windu 20
    Yoda 21
    Gasgano 22
    Ody Mandrell 23
    Boss Nass 25
    Captain Tarpels 26
    Ki-Adi-Mundi 28
    Adi Gallia 29
    Naboo Royal Guard 30
    Darth Sidous 31
    Darth Maul 32
    Nute Gunray 33
    Rune Haako 34
    Battle Droid 35
    Watto 36
    OOM-9 37
    Destroyer Droid Battle Damage 38
    Chancellor Valorum 41
    Darth Maul Tatooine 43
    R2-B1 44
    Darth Maul Sith Aprentice 45
    Destroyer Droid 46
    Sio Bibble 50
    Pit Droids 51
    Swimming Jar Jar Binks 56
    Queen Amidala Theed Invasion 71
    Anikin Skywalker Naboo Pilot 72
    Darth Sidious as Hologram 73
    TC-14 74
    Watto’s Box 113
    Tatooine Showdown 114
    Mos Espa Encounter 115

    TOTAL; 61 Chips or 64 with those droids.


    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 3 months ago 0 Member · 50 Replies
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