Galactic Heroes Millennium Falcon NOT…
Like a collector I’m on the search for something I saw, should have bought, didn’t and not it’s kind of late; or atleast very hard. I started my GH collecting with the Playskool and have been GH crazy ever since.
I have the Playskool Millennium Falcon, which on eBay many people name as a Galactic Heroes Millennium Falcon :rolleyes: I somehow missed buying the Galactic Heroes Millennium Falcon as seen on rebel’s site here: http://www.rebelscum.com/otcGHmillenniumfalcon.asp These on eBay went for 100 to 200+ dollars, until the Walmart version. Since Walmarts version the price has dropped. But now there are two versions that are Galactic Heroes Millennium Falcons….
[*]Playskool has a Storm Trooper
[*]Galactic Heroes same as above minus trooper
[*]Walmart has R2-D2
[/LIST]Ebay seems right now to only have the Playskool and Walmart version. However Amazon seems to MAYBE have the normal Galactic Heroes version…
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_t?url=search-alias%3Dtoys-and-games&field-keywords=GALACTIC+HEROES+MILLENNIUM+FALCON+it shows both GH and WM, on the left is the three figures making it seem to be the Glactice Heroes….
Is there a way to contact the seller on Amazon? Hopefully the sellers aren’t listing walmarts version….
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