Home Forums Good Memories – A history of collecting: 1999 and beyond

  • Good Memories – A history of collecting: 1999 and beyond

    Posted by Unknown Member on November 26, 2001 at 2:02 AM

    Good Memories – A history of collecting: 1999

    With the new movie, you’d think this would be the best year?

    As I write about it, I can’t say that it was.

    Midnight Madness was a heck of a lot of fun. I also wanted a young Palpatine figure really badly – and got it.

    The 12″ like Maul were nicely done, and when Obi-Wan Kenobi came out, it upped the bar.

    CommTech’s didn’t impress me. They could were they sounding decent. But the figures like Han Cantina got really impressive. But why that Luke? Pegwarming Classics became a real burden to those looking for Vader and the Stormtrooper, and especially Holo-R2 when it first shipped.

    The 3 packs were getting better and better and more useful.
    Classic that is. The Ghosts (’98) had excited me, but the Rebel Pilots, and Jabba’s Guards were great! Jabba’s Palace cardboards were really nice too.

    I dug the 12″ Portrait Amidala’s. It seems the only way to have done justice to her elaborate clothes.

    The soft-goods resculpts might have been necessary for play value with the vehicles, but they might’ve included them as pack-ins, even if they didn’t make sense (like Obi-Wan with the Flash Speeder, etc.) so resculpts didn’t hold back sales.

    I liked a lot of the figures, and was really thrilled when I first found Nute, Rune, and the Destroyer Droid.

    The Royal Starship was a vehicle/playset dream come true.

    It’s hard to say: 1997 vs. 1999? Hmmmmmmm.

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 2 months ago 0 Member · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies

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