Greetings and as my first Thread… Ki-Adi Mundi Jedi Master, June 17?!
Greetings everyone!
I am a SW collector from Sao Paulo, Brazil. I´ve been around here for a long time, but this time around I´ve decided to register myself and be part of the Forums.
Now, “as for my first act, I´ll create a grand army of the Republic!”. Not really, just kidding…
I ask you guys, isn´t about time for carded pics of the Ki-Adi Mundi Jedi Master figure, since he´s supposed to be released on next Monday, June 17th!?…
From Rebelscum:
“It also looks like they have updated release dates, and if these are correct we have some new figures to look for IMMEDIATELY! Han Solo Endor Raid and Obi-Wan Kenobi – Jedi Starfighter Pilot both show June 1, 2002 (TODAY) as their release dates. The Fan Club Stormtrooper Troop Builder Set shows June 7, Teemto Pagalies Pod Racer shows June 17, Chewbacca Cloud City Capture and Darth Maul Sith Training July 1, and Padme Amidala – Coruscant Attack (pilot) on July 15. Also we finally have a release date for Ephant Mon, Jabba’s Head of Security– August 19, 2002.
UPDATE2: Ki-Adi Mundi, Jedi Master shows a June 17 release.”
I´ve been around all websites and yet no carded pics of Ki-Adi either Teemto.
By the way, I hope Hasbro can release soon a pic of the Crix Madine figure too.
Thanks ofr your time, guys and gals.
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