Haves & Wants
Here is a list of the items I am currently looking for. The Star Wars
will take precedence but I will gladly trade for the other toy lines.
Please email me with any interest.
European orange carded SOTE figures
Commtech Jawa one hole in foot
Commtech Greedo yellow knee pinsPOTJ
IG-88 (open claw)
Jar Jar Binks (Tatooine)
Lando (Bespin Escape)
Darth Vader Emperor’s Wrath
Han Solo Bespin Escape
Luke X-wing removable helmetTRANSFORMERS WANTS
Most any loose complete or near complete Generation 1 Transformer wanted!
Rewind guns
Eject guns
Ramhorn guns
Cliffjumper 2 front rubber wheels
Snarl gun
Snarl Missle Launcher
Snarl Rockets (3)
Snarl Sword
Ultra Magnus (2) Missles
Lightspeed handgun
Dragstrip handgun
Wildrider handgun
Breakdown handgun
Dead End cannon
Dead End handgun
Motormaster gun
Buzzsaw guns
Optimus Prime Trailer
Optimus Prime Missles
Omega Suprema small leg clip
Jetfire ArmorLandmine Tech-specs
Rewind Tech-specs
Eject Tech-specs
Ramhorn Tech-specs
Cliffjumper Tech-specs
Snarl Tech-specs
Dragstrip Tech-specs
Wildrider Tech-specs
Breakdown Tech-specs
Dead End Tech-specs
Motormaster Tech-specs
Buzzsaw Tech-specs
Optimus Prime Tech-specs
Omega Supreme Tech-specs
Metroplex Tech-specs
Jetfire Tech-specsOptimus Prime Instructions
Omega Supreme Instructions
Jetfire Instructions****ALL RED AND PURPLE DECOYS WANTED****
Princess Leia (2 bands on belt)
Princess Leia (3 bands on belt)
Darth Vader (long saber)
Luke Skywalker (long saber)
Luke Skywalker X-wing (long saber)
Boba Fett (stripes on hands)
Tatooine Stormtrooper
Death Star Gunner
R5-D4 (no warning/straight latch)
R5-D4 (warning sticker/straight latch)GREEN CARDS
Boba Fett (circles coll.3)
R5-D4 (warning sticker/straight/latch no holo)SOTE
Leia in Boushh Disguise
Boba Fett vs. IG-88 2-packFREEZE FRAME
Han Solo (original)
Orrimaarko (Prune Face)
Emperor’s Royal GuardEXPANDED UNIVERSE
Stormtrooper x2OTHER
Theater Luke c8.0 (excellent shape compared to most others)
Spirit of Ben Kenobi (Lays Excl.)
Cantine Band Member (Fan Club Excl.)VINTAGE
Lando Skiff’s Helmet (original)
Bottom Gun to Speederbike (original)
Rancor Keeper Staff (repro)
Warok bow (repro)
Stormtrooper gun (repro)
Han Blaster (repro?)
Paploo staff (repro?)Many loose complete figures
Many ship partsI can also work out deals using the remainder of one of my friends
collection. He no longer collects and would like to get rid
of the rest. I would have to buy them from him for somewhere
around cost. Some highlights of whats left are:Transition tray Vader
Transition tray Luke X-wing
Transition tray Luke Degobah
Fan Club Cantina band members
Han Stormtrooper mailaway
Ishi Tib FFAll long saber figures
all orange carded figures (some variations)
all green carded figures (except for 1 or 2, many have collection errors)email me for specific wants
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