Haves / Wants List
All figures are cardedPOTJ
Han Death Star Escape X2 .0400
Luke X-Wing X3.0400
Vader Wrath X2 .0400
Sandtrooper X2 .0400
Vader Dagobah .0100
Plo Koon .0300
R2-Q5 .0400
Maul Sith Apprentice .0400
Dirty Biker Scout .0400
Obi-Wan Cold Weather Gear X2 .0400Green Card
Tarkin X2 .01 Both With Foil Stickers
Tusken Raider .01 With Foil Sticker
Sandtrooper .01 Without Foil StickerPOFT2 Orange Card
Han Solo with “Carbonite Freezing Chamber” .00
Leia .00
Leia Canadian Card
Tie Fighter Pilot .01 (corner damage)Episode 1
Darth Maul Jedi Duel .01
All figures are carded
POFT2 Green Card
Emporer Electronic
Boba Fett Half Circles
Luke X-Wing Pilot
Tuskan Raider open left hand
At-St Driver Freeze Frame
Boba Fett Freeze Frame
Captian Piett Freeze Frame “Balster piston and baton”
Garindan Freeze Frame
R2-D2 Freeze Frame Imperial slide
Snowtrooper Freeze Frame
Tie Fighter Pilot Freeze Frame
Weequay Freeze Frame
Zuckuss Freeze Frame
R2-D2 Flashback saber on the right sidePOFT2 Orange Card
Ben Kenobi foil sticker
Boba Fett half circles on hands
Darth Vader short saber long tray
Han Solo in “Carbonite Block”
Han Hoth closed right hand
Luke Jedi tan vest
Luke short saber long tray
Hammerhead no warning sticker
Leia foil sticker
Tie Pilot without warning sticker
Tuskan Raider open left hand
Yoda foil stickerEpisode 1
Chancellor Valorum warning sticker
OOM-9 binoculars in bubbleCinema Scene
Death Star Escape
Minted Coins
Han Bespin Gear
Leia Endor Gear
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