Home Forums Holes in your collection

  • Holes in your collection

    Posted by lowly-bantha-cleaner on September 20, 2001 at 6:51 PM

    Which figures have you scoured the ends of the Earth for but still haven’t found? These could include ones you have passed up on. If you don’t collect them all, include the ones you want but don’t have.

    So far these are the holes in my collection, and I’ve been searching like the dickens to find them.

    Since I started my collection in early June, here is what I haven’t got yet

    (Only am including 3/ 3/4 figs)

    1) Chewie (Dejarik) (saw him once and then he vanished):(

    2) Tessek (passed him up, could have gotten him for free) 😡

    3) Lando (see above)

    4) Security Droid (haven’t seen him yet, probably won’t)

    5) General Leia (see above)

    6) Mas Ameeda (see above)

    7) Qui-Gon Training Armor (seen have many times, just haven’t the bread to get him yet.)

    8) Joking Jar Jar (see above)

    9) The new wave–haven’t seen them yet, but am confident there will be around soon.

    I could probably get the earlier waves at a comic shop somewhere, but so far I haven’t felt the need to do so.

    lowly-bantha-cleaner replied 23 years, 4 months ago 0 Member · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies

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