I dreamt of an alternate story for the prequels last night.
I had a dream last night that the prequels were quite a bit different.
The Phantom Menace went along as normal until near the very end. Instead of Obi-wan killing Maul, before Obi got the chance Palpatine summoned Maul through the Force. Begrudgingly Maul did so, leaving Obi hanging in the pit. The rest of the movie plays out pretty much as it did with a few changes. The talk at Qui-gon’s funeral changes to which Sith did Obi face as opposed to kill. Obi is still granted Knight hood (instead of for killing a Sith it is for standing him down-even though Maul escapes). We see a shrouded figure on Kamino making a deal-presumably Sifo-Dyas-but looks like Palpatine in the robes we’ve become accustomed to seeing him in as the Emperor. In a scene VERY much like the end of AOTC, we see Maul meet with Sidious on Coruscant in the same building. (It’s the same scene, but instead of Dooku it’s Maul and instead of being the beginning of the clone wars the conversation becomes something on the order of Sidious saying their plans are in motion.
With Maul ALIVE, the “Phantom Menace” name makes much more sense. Between this time and AOTC, he wreaks havoc throughout the Republic killing Jedi at every turn.
Fast forward to AOTC. It starts the same, but instead of Zam Wessel trying to take out Padme, it is Jango directly. Same chase scene but it’s now Jango. The scene in the Outlander change however. Jango does not get his arm cut off, instead he fires off a couple of shots with his pistols and dashes out of the club. Obi and Ani give chase, but lose him immediately outside of the club. However now Obi looks up and sees Maul (where it would have been Jango instead). Maul’s horns a longer now, kind of like we saw him in the graphic novel (I forget the name of it off hand though). With the memory of his dead master flashing back in his mind, Obi takes off to get Maul while Ani is told to go back to the council to tell them of the bounty hunter. Obi chases Maul down and catches up to him. It is on Coruscant that they have the fierce climatic fight. Much more action and force usage as they are both 10 years older and wiser in the force. Eventually Obi gets the upper hand and slices Maul in half. Meanwhile Ani is explaining to the council what happened when they all feel a tremor in the force, that being Maul being killed by Obi-wan. Obi and Ani start their investigation of the bounty hunter much as they did in the real movie. Same Dex Diner scene, Padawan scenes, etc. Now we see a scene of Palpatine meeting with Dooku in his Chancellors office. As Dooku is about to leave, Mace some of the other council and some Senators arrive. Mace gives a very concerned stern look at Dooku as he leaves. From here the rest of the movie plays out as it did.
Unfortunately this is where my dream ended and I didn’t get to ROTS. Still, I think I like this version MUCH better than what was played out on screen. This dream was so real that when I woke up my heart was racing. I wish you all could have had the same dream. I think you would have liked seeing this alternate version.
Again, it’s just a dream, not something I deliberately thought up or wrote as a fanfic, so please don’t pick it apart. Not all angles were covered in the dream, as again, it was just a dream.
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