Jedi Points ? – Interesting and more news
I got this over at Rebelscum:
What sort of timeline have you seen (or can you guess at) for the release of Episode II sneak peak figures? Hadn’t the STAP, MicroMachines Theed Palace and Mace Windu mail-in figure already come out by November of 98? I’ve seen the list of 5 or 6 figures (B.Fett, Shaak Ti, a few others) that are supposed to be some sort of “preview”. What’s your take? Any possibilty of another mail-in? -ZacWell, according to what I’ve read the Episode II line will hit retail on April 22. From now until then, we’ve got the FX-7 wave (hitting stores now), Eeth Koth wave (released in the Orient, probably here by the end of the year), and the BoShek wave (I’m guessing Jan/Feb). I’ve heard rumors the Preview wave may arrive as early as January, but toy distribution after the holidays is typically slow. My guess is we’ll see wide spread release in February or March, then the new line in April. As for the mail-away figure, Hasbro hinted we should start saving out Jedi Master Points in San Diego. No word yet what they will be used for, but reports to date say five “Preview” figures, four of which will come in a case as the “Preview” assortment. That leaves one figure, which could very well turn out to be the mail-in offer. Speculation at best, but something to be prepared for.
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