Jones in my clones
I’ve just finished sorting out the stuff that Brit C and I have scored over the past couple of years for shipment to you guys.
I am sending the following packages; Baal was to get all of these and then send them on to VT, GSJ and Baal’jr, however there is so much gear to send I will probably have to split it. Before I forget, VT, I’ve still not received the Timminator’s tape to send you, you may want to chase her up.
Baal gets…….
The 7 Rancors and all the miniheads – [Baala, if you want me to confirm what miniheads there are refer back to the thread in the old forums where I was listing them; or email me and I’ll send you the list] – I’ll also need a shipping address.GSJ gets……..
Micromachine Epic sets 4-6Baal’jr gets……
Starship Troopers sets 1-3
Terminator 2 sets 1- 3
Predator Collection 3 (with the “goofy-lookin” Predator UFO in it to paraphrase someone)VulcanTouch gets……
DC Sith inf
DC Sebs PR
DC Radiant
PR pack 2
Collection 11 EP 1 mms
John Barry Themeology booklet and inlays
present from Eeg’
ID4 mms (loose – Alien attacker and US interceptor)
Sith Inf mm (from the DM transforming head, I think)
XIV St mms
Collections 12 & 13 EP1 mms
battered Queens Royal Starship
2 mm AT-STs (loose)
1 mm AT-AT (loose
2 mm TIE Bs (loose)
4 mm stands
(note to VT, you may recall that the above loose mms are ones from my collection; when I locate all my mms I’ll have a look see what others I can send in a future shipment)
VT, I have received the MTT transforming playset and would be grateful if you would confirm what you want from it. It comes with some mm creatures (Faamba’s Falumpasets, Eopies etc), about 5 BDs, and some Gungans too. I know you want the exploding AAT but there is also a really, really cool little MTT which I think you may like; it’s too big to be in the mm scale but too small to be classed as AF. It’s about 2 inches long and has firing cannons.LMK about the MTT playset and Timmer.
Due to the size of this shipment and the weight constraints imposed by the Regina Federation, I am definitely going to have to split this package up in two. So what do you think the best way is. I propose a seperate Baal package and the rest go to VT for enroute-age
DC Trade fed ship & Sandcrawler (hahahaha)
2 x mms Classic characters set on grey/black stripey mm pack not EU
collections 1-3 Aliens mms
collections 3,3 & 1 Aliens mms
EP1 mms collection 7 EU (DM, DM & Sith speeder, Nab SF, Nab pilot)
Predator collections 1 &2 mmsSo speak up of you want these….
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