June trade list
Qui Gon
Orn Taa Free C-8
Endor Rebel c-8
Count Dooku (holo fig looking up)
Count Dooku (holo fig looking down)
plus others
Padme (mole)
Boba Fett
Battle Droid
Plo Koon
plus many othersPOTJ-
AT-ST w/speederbike
Imperial Officer
Rebel Fleet Trooper
Bo Shek
Chewy mechanic .0300
Mon Calamari .0100
R4-M9 printed warning
Canadian Duros
Canadian Obi Winter gear
Canadian Tessk
Canadian Bespin Guard
Sith Apprentice Maul .0300
Dirty Scout .0400
Eeth Koth
travel Queen black dressCTChip- Jawa no holes in feet .0000
jawa with 1 hole in foot
Jawa w/2 holes in feet .0000
Greedo .0000 (white chip)EU Mara Jade crushed bubble
Flashback Figs-
Leia(2 arrows).0100 C-7,
Darth vader .0000FF figs-
Grand Moff Tarkin .02
Endor Celebration Leia .00
R2D2 .00
Mon Mothma .00,
General Lando .00
Orrimaarko .00,
Endor Rebel .00
Lobot .00,
Leia .00,
Ceremonial Luke .01
Skiff Guard Lando .01
Bespin Luke .01(gold belt buckle),
Bespin Luke.01(silver belt buckle),
Endor Solo .01 & .02
Slave Leia .02
Kenobi .03
Ewoks .00
AT-AT Driver .00
Hoth Leia .00
Death Star Droid .00Episode1-
Darth Sideous .00
Battle Damaged Destoyer Droids .0000
Bonus Battle droid 2 pack Slashed Battle Droid
Bonus Battle droid 2 pack Rune HaakoPOTF2 loose weapons: Stormtrooper guns, FB Kenobi
saber, Malakili staff, Cantina Aliens gun, custom grey
mouse droidPOTF2-OC-
Deluxe Stormtrooper .00
Death Star Escape playset
C-3PO .00
Princess Leia(3 rings).00,
Princess Leia(2 rings).00,
Freezing Solo .00,
Lando Calrissian .00
Han Solo .00,
Tatoonie Luke LongSaber .00
Darth Vader SS
Yoda .01,
Kenobi .01 SS,POTF2 GC with square bubble-
Endor Solo Blue pants .00 hologram
Sandtrooper .01 hologramPOTF2 GC with slanted bubble-
Garidian .00 hologram or no hologram
Snowtrooper hologram with open hand,
Snowtrooper hologram or no hologram
Dengar .00 hologram
Chewbacca .01 no hologram
Rebel Fleet Trooper .01 hologram (crushed bubble)
Han Solo .01 hologram
Princess Leia .01 no hologram
Sandtrooper .02 hologramCantina Showdown .00
Power racing Speederbike w/trooper
Complete Galaxy Tatoonie with Luke
Rebel Pilots Cinema Scene
Millenium Falcon (incomplete-will seperate parts)
Applause Bespin 6 pk figures with 2 display stands
Hallmark ornament Leia 1998
Han Solo keychain12″ adult Anakin Skywalker with “Story of Darth Vader”
bookCanadian POTF2
2-1B, ASP-7, Vader square orange card short saberEuropean POTF2
OC-Han Solo,
GC-Hoth Luke,
Euro Deluxe Luke Skywalker
Euro POTF2 diecast 6 pack
Euro 12″ Luke Skywalker
Euro 12″ Han Solo
Italian Sote Orange card Chewbacca as Bounty hunterVINTAGE:
Side Gunner with box
Incomplete SideGunner
Hoth han w/gun
Skiff Guard Lando w/staff, no helmet
Star Wars Vinyl case
Canadian Star Wars Vinyl case
ESB Vinyl case
TaunTaun(closed belly) no reins
C-3PO case (no straps inside)
Ewok Village playset (will seperate parts)
Incomplete Millenium Falcon (will seperate parts)
Incomplete Endor Forest Ranger
Incomplete Rebel Transport
Probot Playset (just base)
Radar from Imperial Troop Transport
Death Star Gunner gun
Speederbike instructions
Imperial Attack base Instructions
Millenium Falcon cargo hatch cover
Landspeeder seat
Tie interceptor instructionsMicro Machine
Rebel echo base troops
Imperial Officers
loose micro collections Y-wing, AT-ATI need these :
-Bloody Hand Bepin Luke
-R2-D2 with background and screw leg joints
-Anakin Skywalker (Hangar Duel) no ™
-Anakin Skywalker (Hangar Duel)with backgound no ™
-Anakin Skywalker (Hangar Duel) new bubble
-Chancellor Palpatine
-Jango Fett Final Duel with blast pointing up
-Djus Puhr
-Obi-Wan (Jedi Starfighter Pilot)
-Chewbacca (Cloud City Capture)
-Han Solo (Endor Raid)
-Yoda no ™
-Super Battle Droid Incorrect instructions on back
-Orn Free Ta
-Dexter Jettster insert Pipe Correction no stickers
-Deluxe Nexu
-Deluxe AnakinCanadian AOTC figure #28 and up
-Mas Adema .0000 with 0000JFF
-Boss Nass .0000with typeset error & .0100 with
typeset error
-Tusken Raider .0000w/warning
-Battle Droid Security .0100
-Sith Apprentice Maul .0100
-Theed Amidala .0100 nude version & .0300 nude version
-K-3PO .0300
-Jedi Armour Qui Gonn .0300
-Boomer Damaged Battle Droid .0300
-Gungan Warrior .0300
-R2-Q5 .0300
-Leia General .0400
-Duros .0400 (non shiny torso)
-R4-M9 (Sticker warning)
-Deformed Boba Fett (blacktape on side)Episode 1
-Holo Sideous with pit droid -all 3 colors
-Sam’s Club 2 pack Darth Maul w/ slashed battle droid
-Sam’s Club 2 pack Darth Maul w/ shot battle droid
-Sam’s Club 2 pack Naboo Qui-Gon Junn & Jar Jar BinksPOTF2
-Boba Fett .00 Full circles on wrists
-Bossk .00 Stand up blister
-Bossk .01 square rectangular bubble
-Ewoks .00 Wickets head piece painted and spears rings
-Ewoks .00 Wickets head piece unpainted and spears
rings painted
-Bespin Lando Calrissian .00 with light brown cape.
-Dagobah Luke Super short saber in short tray
-Jedi Luke .00 brown vest with black cloak (not
-Weequay .02 Freezeframe
-Dewback and Trooper .00
-Vader vs Xizor .00 on back, .00 bottom of bubble
-Joh Yowza band pack .00 on back, .00 bottom of bubble
-Gen Con ’01 Lando 2 pack-Canadian Speederbike with Luke
-Canadian Speederbike with LeiaI need on POTF2 European cards:
-Ben Kenobi longsaber-gold buckle
-Ben Kenobi short saber
-Boba Fett- Half circles
-Boush Leia with Stand up Blister
-Yoda with stand up blister
-Speederbike with Endor LeiaVintage Star Wars loose or boxed:
Star Destroyer playset
AT-AT chin gun
Imperial Shuttle windsheild
A-wing fighter
Imperial Sniper
ATL Interceptor
R2 with pop-up saber
Romba’s spearLet me know if you have anything. or just send a list
of your haves and maybe we could make a deal. All
offers will be considered. My email address is:
[email protected]Brian
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