Just what we needed! ANOTHER Darth Maul!
There is no heading as yet for the consolodated Star Wars line/imprint (Sir Steve?), so I am posting this here for the time being. I think it is great that the new imprint will give us exactly what I was anticipating, a mix of EII with EI, IV-VI characters. But then they are reverting to their old ways. Why do we need yet another Darth Maul. Certainly Sith Worm will be quite pleased as this will add a new piece to his “Maul Shrine”, but what are the rest of us to do?
Like so many of us, I feel that the resculpt of a character not in need of a resculpt prevents or delays the release of a needed resculpt (Hoth Han, R5-D4, Dr. Evezan, etc.), a contemporary release of a vintage character (Wooof, Imperial Dignitary, Rebel Commander, etc.), or an as yet unproduced character (General Dodonna, Hem Dazon, J’quille, Wald, etc., etc., etc.).
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