Lots of Action Fleet pictures
Hey everyone. It’s taken me quite a bit of time, but I finally have all my Action Fleet pictures up online. I think I’ve taken some pretty detailed pictures and you can check them out here. You will probably come across some items listed on the pages that I don’t have pictures for, that’s because I don’t have them yet. I just started collecting the Series Alpha, so that page needs work, but everything else should be fairly accurate.
I also have box back descriptions for as many as I’ve been able to gather thanks to help from sergiurusu and the internet, but there are some that I still need to get. If anyone wants to help me out with those, what I need are photographs or scans of the back of packages that are in English and clear enough to read what they say, and the box backs I need are as follows.
1999: A-Wing Starfighter, Boba Fett’s Slave I, Rebel Snowspeeder, Shuttle Tydirium
1997: Bespin Cloud Car, Rancor
1998: Luke’s X-Wing From Dagobah SwampBattle Packs:
1996: #02 Galactic Empire (with Royal Guard), #03 Aliens and Creatures (with Ponda Baba), #04 Galactic Hunters (with IG-88)
1997: #06 Dune Sea (without Barada), #07 Droid Escape (without EG-6), #08 Desert Palace (without Weequay)
1998: #12 Cantina Smugglers and Spies, #13 Hoth Attack, #14 Death Star Escape, #15 Endor Victory, #17 Imperial Troops, #18 Rebel TroopsPlaysets:
1996: Death Star, Ice Planet Hoth
1997: Yavin Rebel Base
1999: Gian Speeder & Theed PalaceMini Scenes: Generator Core Duel, Throne Room Reception
I appreciate any help anyone can give me, and as always, any help provided will be recognized on the description page. I hope the pictures I took are useful to somebody besides myself, but if not, I still enjoyed adding them.
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