Home Forums Lucas dooms from the beginning Phantom Menance

  • Lucas dooms from the beginning Phantom Menance

    Posted by Unknown Member on March 26, 2008 at 4:08 AM

    I thought the Phantom Menance had the tools to be one of the top Star Wars films but Lucas doomed it from the beginning.

    1. He made it a children’s film by inserting all the childish level comedy surrounding Jar Jar Binks.

    2. The voice overs of the alien spieces were also border line comical. He would have been better off inventing languages and using subtests.

    3. Jake Llyod as Anakin Skywalker. Everything here was wrong! He played this part too young but yet some off the lines in the script were ridiculous. The second time he meets Padme, he invites her to HIS PLACE to wait out the storm. Every other 10 year old would invite them back to his and his mother’s home. It is like he is hitting on her because when he first meets her he asks her if she is an angel. She is dressed and looks like any other human girl on Tatooine, is he hitting on her again?

    4. He and his mother are suppose to be slaves? They have their own place way across town, you would think they would live next to the shop. He is 10 years old has a robot and a pod racer, that his master doesn’t know about. How does a 10 year old slave build a pod racer that his master doesn’t know about?

    5. Qui-Gon Jinn wants to keep a low profile after they escape Naboo. So he takes a Gungan with him (a species only found on Naboo) as he searches for a hyperdrive. A person, who got exiled from of his own city because of his culmliness and stands out like a red flag. Gungan’s a species that live under water but the heat of Tatooine did not seem to bother Jar Jar?

    6. The voices he gives to trade federation’s robot soldiers “roger, Roger!” are as bad as the aliens.

    7. Mace Windu saying that Jinn’s attacker can’t be a sith and then sends Obi-wan and Jinn to protect the Queen and hopefully draw out the Sith!

    8. Padme saying to Anakin after they leave Tatooine that she really cares for him, they just met (she’s 15/16 and he is 10). Now let’s put this in prospective she is a Queen of a whole planet that has just been invaded and her people are being killed and tortured, including her family. But, yet she finds time to become emotionly attached to a 10 year old boy?

    9. Two Sith, no further than a Super Star Destroyer away from a whole temple of Jedi Masters, Knights and Padawans and yet no one ever picks up that the dark side is at work in the Senate chambers? How everyone above the age 10 in the audience knew that Paplatine was the head sith from the get go was the worst directing of a trilogy!

    10. Why didn’t Jinn leave Anakin at the Jedi Temple where it was safe and he could of started his training. The whole time during the battle he is telling Anakin to find a safe place to hide. If you were so worried about the boy, why take him into the war zone.

    11. Anakin promises his mother he will free her, after Naboo is free don’t you think Padme would givin’ him enough money to do this considering their whole relationship on the Naboo starship and what he did from them. I can keep going but I will stop here to get your feedback.

    I think Phantom Menance had a lot of potential but these flaws are major and hurt the movie and point to some of the things others have complained about.

    Plus.. Lucas kills one of his greatest creations DARTH MAUL! I would have rather seen Count Dooku die here!!

    Unknown Member replied 16 years, 6 months ago 0 Member · 60 Replies
  • 60 Replies

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