Home Forums Lucas SHOULD Make the duel/fight scenes better

  • Lucas SHOULD Make the duel/fight scenes better

    Posted by Unknown Member on June 14, 2002 at 4:28 AM

    I liked all the fight scenes in AOTC between Ben and Jango, Dooku vs Anakin/Ben/Yoda. But frankly that just didn’t last long enuff. Lucas makes the slow parts of the film long and the best parts short. So in EpIII he needs to make the greatest lightsaber duel/duels ever out of all the movies it needs to be crowned king of all fights. I want a full scale lashing attach saber duel that lasts like 15-20 minutes not this 5 minute crap he’s been giving us. I hope there are at least 4 duels in EIII I don’t see how there couldn’t be with Mace, Plo, Ki, and other Jedi dying. I think Mace will be in some kind of fight. Anakin and Ben Yoda and Dooku Mace and Boba? Anakin killing off others. Dooku killing others? I want to see something plain vicious. Not this short stuff shot with a fight cam style. Nothing has beat Vader and Luke from ESB yet. I want e3 to contain the greatest fight of all. A Yoda fight for 10 minutes would be awesome…what do you think about all this and what should lucas deliver


    Unknown Member replied 22 years, 6 months ago 0 Member · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies

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