My Dental Hygenist Had Franternal Twin Grandchildren – and I was actually interested.
I’m not a guy who’s really interested in babies. At least I thought I wasn’t.
But the idea of fraternal twins, a boy and a girl especially, is interesting. Of course I asked her if they named them Luke & Leia. No they did not, but she laughed and got the reference.
But there was no history of twins in the family, so it was a surprise. They DID know during the pregnancy – and they knew that at least one baby would be a boy, but his sibling was turned and they couldn’t tell until much later. Then they found out they were also having a little girl.
If I ever wanted to be a parent, having both a son and a daughter would have been my ideal for a family.
But for some reason this just fascinated me today. My hygenist had one of those digital photo frames that flashed changing pictures. So I watched that while I had my regular teeth cleaning.
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