Naboo Battlefield/Transforming MTT
In case you didn’t catch the little blurb in the news section on this site, it seems that somebody (I believe Thrawn) has spotted an Episode 1 Transforming MTT/Naboo Battlefield playset at a clearance factory for only 8 bucks! Unfortuneatly, I have never heard of this clearance place, Factory 2 U. But I would be very interested if someone could perhaps, snag me one (if you live by one of course). I’d gladly pay the cost, plus shipping or maybe trade you for something you need. I missed out on this set last year, cuz TRU wanted something like thirty dollars of my hard earned money
and since money for me is sometimes scarce 😮 (I pay an insane amount of $$ to attend school) I didn’t buy it. But at this price, I’d be devestated if I didn’t pick one up. You can E-mail me if you want to make an offer, or if you are interested. Thanks!
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