Home Forums Not enough characters to last until 2005?!

  • Not enough characters to last until 2005?!

    Posted by Unknown Member on November 17, 2001 at 5:28 AM

    I cannot seem to find the original thread, but at some point it was suggested that if Hasbro kept it up, they would run out of characters to make figures of even before the 2005 release of Episode III! I pointed out at the time that there was more than an ample supply available. Well, I got tired of researcihng, so here is an initial list, in no particular order. That is, except in as much as much-needed “resculpts” are listed first, followed by originals. Bear in mind that I do not consider a Dagobah R2 to be a resculpt. A resculpt is a version of a figure we’ve already seen, just poorly realized and remade (as with the Rebel Fleet Trooper). Also, I have little knowledge of nor use for the Expanded Universe, so I have made no effort in that arena, but if this post suggests anything, throwing EU characters into the mix just further proves that Hasbro won’t be running out of material any time soon. And with Episode II poised to give us multiple variations and new characters galore, well, you get the idea.

    Uncle Owen, Dr. Evezan, Gamorrean Guard, Han (Hoth), Death Star Trooper, Emperor’s Royal Guard, Couruscant Guard, R5-D4, General Veers, Lobot, Luke (Dagobah), Han (Stormtrooper).

    General Dodonna, Chief Chirpa, Hem Dazon, Rep Teers, Yaddle, Myo, General Madine, Torynn Farr, Major Bren Derlin, Wald, Kitster, Hermie Odle, Weequay Skiff Pilot, Even Piel, Oppo Rancisis, Dice Ibegon, General Riekeen, Depa Bilaba, Kitik Keed Kak, R-3PO Ben Quadineros, Ratts Tyrell, R2-D2 (Sail Barge), R2-D2 (Dagobah), Tonnika Sisters, Twilek Massuese Saitor Kal Fasss, Baniss Keeg, Wioslea, R1-A6, Bubo, Yarna Dal Garga, Yoxgit, Geezum, J’quille, Naboo Pilot, Daultry Dofine, Ad-Rev, Nute Gunray (Walking Throne), Captain Antilles, Orn Free Ta, Padme (Handmaiden), Handmaiden (Purple gown), Boles Roor, Neva Kee, Queen Amidala (Return to Naboo), Queen Amidala (Palpatine’s Office), Queen Amidala (Victory Celebration), Arlel Schous, Djas Puhr, Woof, Elis Helrot, Fetepern Trevagg, Danz Borin, Lirin Carin, Herat, Sergeant Doallyn, R5-A2, Cloud Car Pilot, Bom Vimdiin, Brainiac, Melas, Leesub Sarin, Rycar Ryjed, Yerka Mig, Mosep, Dannik Jerriko, Solomahal, Swilla Corey, Trinto Duaba, Garuf Lafoe, Mars Guo, Deluxe Death Star Gunner w/gun, Dud Bolt, Reeyesk, Nimbarel, Treva Horme, Wiorkettle, BG-J38, Jess, Loje Nella, Sic-Six, Fozec, Shasaa Tiel, Tanus Spijek, Beedo, CZ-4, Tawss Khaa, Umpass-stay, Rappertunie, Sate Pestage, Ark “Bumpy” Roose, Warok, Ewok w/Wokling, C-3PO (Ewok Deity), the other Imperial Dignitary, different ethnicity Bespin Security, Naboo Royal Security, & Naboo Royal Guard, additinal Ewoks, Jawas, and Ugnaughts, the Trade Federation pilot, Female Mon Calimari Officer, Trade Federation Clean-Up Droids, the list goes on and on…

    Factor in EU characters and “unseen screen” characters (like Biggs and Cammie) and you have no short supply of characters to cull for future reference. If Hasbro takes its cues from Playmates’ Simpsons line, why not just make everybody!

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 2 months ago 0 Member · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies

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