Home Forums Original Radio Drama not bad for free.

  • Original Radio Drama not bad for free.

    Posted by Unknown Member on June 5, 2002 at 4:12 PM

    I am a child of the OT, but until today I had never listened to the Original Radio Drama. I understand that it was the most popular broadcast on NPR ever. Even so, as a child I don’t suppose I could of sat still long enough to listen to the whole thing. Never the less I have listened to the first part of it today. I must say that it’s something else. Entertaining for sure. It’s a little off from the movie. It starts on Tatooine with Luke and some of his friends. We learn a bit more about Luke and his Life on Tatooine. Then we learn a bit more about Liea and how she got into the Rebellion. I don’t know if this counts as “official cannon” since someone wrote it other than GL, but its still Star Wars, and its still good. Especially for free. I checked it out at my local public library. Any library with a decent audio/visual section should have it. So, like Lavare Burton and Reading Rainbow “For more information on this book and more like it, check your local library.”

    Unknown Member replied 22 years, 6 months ago 0 Member · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies

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