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  • Pack-ins, Pack-ins, Pack-ins!

    Posted by Unknown Member on August 21, 2001 at 4:37 PM

    No, that’s not a creature from Episode II, just the term for what comes with a figure. Hasbro has become much better at producing thoughtful pack-ins (or a lack thereof, I salute the choice not to give the new X-Wing Pilot Luke a gun of any kind). So I want to make a few suggestions of more pack-ins (and which figures they should come with) for the benefit of furher discussion. This will also serve as a further wish list.

    #1 Scurriers
    Garuf Lafoe (w/two Scurriers as pack-in accessories) – This is the guy from the Cantina who slips out to inform local Stormtroopers of trouble in the bar. 3PO comments that he doesn’t like the look of the conversation. While this character plays as somewhat vital role in the sequence and would fill up the Cantina, I can’t say I’d really ever thought to include him on a want list before now. While considering pack-ins it occurred to me that this would be an ideal figure to include the Scurriers from the Special Edition. Now, to do these guys justice, there would be two, one with and one without horns. And they would be jointed at the hips and neck (for side to side movement of the neck). Of course we would probably just have to settle for an inarticulate solid plastic piece, but that would be better than nothing, especially if there were two. And a far superior accessory pack-in than a huge gun.

    #2 Swamp Flyer
    I’ve mentioned this in another thread, we need a new Yoda figure with a Swamp Flyer (smaller than the Complete Galaxy one) and a snake or two.

    #3 “Porch Light” Droid
    There is a very long call number for this droid that I don’t have time to look for, see my Resculpt Roundup post if you are curious. When Luke is looking for R2 at dusk, you see these little light up top droids buzz around along the grounds. No need for fancy light up gimics, but it would be nice to have one as a pack-in with a re-released, re-sculpted Owen Lars (carded) figure.

    #4 Bubo
    Everybody wants Bubo and I will say again that the best approach is a Jawa (with palm frond fan) and Bubo two pack.

    #5 Sic-Six
    This bizarre, black, multi-eyed, worm-like creature can be seen very briefly when Jabba and company are revealed behind Curtain #1 after Jabba has a nice chuckle at Han’s expense. Sic-Six would make a great pack-in for any Jabba’s Palace character.

    #6 Worrt
    The frog-like creature (also known as Road Creature) seen in a dawn establishing shot of the exterior of Jabba’s Palace. Again, a great pack-in for any Jabba’s Palace character, especially those that are less marketable.

    #7 Scout Droid (?)
    The little droids seen in the background on the Trade Federation flagship in one scene and collecting Battle Droid parts after the battle with the Gungans in Episode I. Use as either a pack-in with Daultry Dofine or as a two-pack with Battle Droid parts as the pack in.

    That is my primary list of ideal pack-ins. To be certain there are other accessories (like drinking cups of various types for Cantina denizens and ordinance crates for Rebel Soldiers that come to mind as well. Voice your choices and opinions today!

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 5 months ago 0 Member · 11 Replies
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