Resculpts we still need (merged)
Resculp Roundup (Who needs a redo?)
I’ve seen various threads in which suggestions or desires for specific figures are voiced and, almost without exception, there is always at least one previously produced character in need of a resculpt. I thought it would be best to make a single-thread overview of those I felt were in need of a makeover. This is by no means a complete list, so feel free to include others I may have missed along with your comments. The characters are listed in no particular order.
1. R5-D4 – Though rumored to already be in production, I’ve seen no good confirmation. Of all of the characters produced to date, this on is by far the one most in need of the resculpt treatment. A break-apart, missle firing body? Where did that come from? Ok, I know it was the “save the idea” off-shoot of the projected “Attack R2-D2” (which was to have been accompanied on a seperate card by “Attack C-3PO” which left me for years fearful of “Attack K-3PO”) which was (thankfully) vetoed by LucasFilm. However it appears Lucas has less of a place in his heart for the hapless Astromech with the bad motivator and let this version go straight to the factory floor and into our hands despite our dissatisfaction. A remake only makes sense, both from this standpoint and for the ability to make other R5-D4-sytle droids in the future. (Personally I would love that one with the all-yellow head and yellow highlights, though I do not recall the call numbers).
2. – Dr. Evezan – There are two reasons the nefarious Evezan needs a resculpt. Number one, not everyone bought or was able to buy the Cinema Scene that was his showcase, and number two, the sculpt quite frankly stunk. I’ve wanted an Evezan figure for over 20 years and when we finally get one he looks more like Jack Nicholson with a lazy eye than Dr. Evezan. And I saw pictures of this figure when it was in production and the sculpter had one of the best photos of the actor in make-up I’ve seen! Put one of the current sculpters behind such figures as the new Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot on this one and we will get what we need. Oh yes, and tone down the exagerated action pose.
3. Uncle Owen – Like the good (or evil) doctor above, Owen Lars needs a non-exagerated sculpt that anyone who wants to buy JUST ONE FIGURE can purchase. The only real detractor to the original is the placement of the arms. The head sculpt could use a little more detail as well. And as for accessories? Don’t give him a Tatooine “squirrel gun” (like the one Luke carried to watch for Sandpeople), have him come with something related to the homestead. No, not more “blue milk” glasses. Pair Luke’s uncle with a 2X-3KPR “porchlight” droid (seen in the background milling around at dusk as Luke searched the horizon for R2). Sure Owen never stood next to one on film, but then Beru didn’t exactly have a Treadwell doing the dishes with her either. Show a commitment to keeping characters together with reasonable accessories that reflect the scenes in which they appear!
4. Han Solo (Hoth) – I have made quite a case for this one on the tread with this figure as the subject. I will say only that I currently refer to the POTF2 version as “split second Han” because, though I have not had a chance to confirm this, there may be a split second of film in which you can espy Han with the hood of his coat down but the Rebel supplied cold-weather hat still on his head and not crumpled into his hand). A less exagerated pose and something akin to the head on the Han that came with the TaunTaun is what we desire.
5. Ponda Boba – We need a Ponda that falls (in sculpt) somewhere between the POTF2 release and the Cinema Scenes release in regard to its sculpt. A little more action than the carded version, a lot less than the CS incarnation. Oh yes, and a removeable lower arm!
6. Yoda – The “Flashback Photo” series did little to help the old Jedi Master. The rooted hair was a touch I can’t decide if I love or hate. At any rate, he could sure stand a resculpt and better accessories. Leave out the backpack in favor of a snake and a swamp flyer (smaller than the one permanantly attached to the Dagobah Complete Galaxy globe). Let Yoda keep the lantern and cook-pot however, to round out his accessories.
7. Luke (Dagobah) – I always thought this was a nice touch, to have a separate Dagobah training version of Luke. The original still bears too much of the “beefed up” approach of early POTF2 figures. Give Luke the backpack that Yoda came with and some non-weapon accessories. He should come with interchangable hands so he can do handstands and a stack of stones and a container to move with the force. A Dagobah version of R2 could come with additional containers as well as a power generator.
8. Lobot – I couldn’t wait to have a Lobot figure and what did we get? ACTION Lobot! All of the noble dignity of this character was lost by putting him in a mambo pose. Sure he has puffy sleeves but he’s not at Carnival in Rio! Give us a Lobot we can be proud of, Hasbro.
9. Han Solo and Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper Disquise) – Not a two pack, just saving some space here. Both of these guys need a refit. And using two different poses for the bodies, plus the newly resculpted helmets which are so much more accurate. Give Luke a Stormtrooper blaster and a mouse droid, give Han a blaster rifle to hand off to Chewie and a HOLSTERED Stormtrooper blaster.
10. Death Star Trooper – Another victim of the exagerated action pose. Give this officer of the Imperial Navy a more natural looking pose and give him a holsterable pistol like that which will accompany the new Rebel Fleet Trooper. Remember, that was another type of Imperial blaster carried by Death Star Troopers.
11. Princess Leia (Bespin) – Like so many others, the need is two-fold. First, not everyone bought the two-packs and of course, a better sculpt would be nice.
12. Momaw Nadon – With the incredible attention paid to accuracy in the latest figures, Momaw Nadon needs a resculpt to give us a figure that is just that much more accurate to the movie version, and with jointed legs so he can be seated!
Well, I think twelve was enough of a stretch. I’m sure there are more and they will be addressed by others. I await your comments!
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