Secret Apprentice Evolutions speculations
Set in the dark times between the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Rebellion, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game explores the aftermath of Order 66 and the continued evolution of Darth Vader. The son of a fallen Jedi is abducted by Vader to be his secret apprentice. As a young adult, the apprentice must choose his destiny: Join Lord Vader and wipe out the remaining Jedi, or become a noble Jedi and bring hope to the galaxy!They’re trying to be coy about this, but I’m pretty sure the reason the Evolutions set works is because the character in the game could turn out to be either that evil Sith dude or that noble Jedi guy. The packaging suggests this, they all have the same build, the Jedi figure looks like the Secret Apprentice in the face, and the Sith and Jedi guys have the same lightsaber except for the peg and cortosis blades. Heck, even the cheat code it comes with says it gives the Secret Apprentice his “hooded Jedi” costume in the game.
My only real questions are, why doesn’t the Secret Apprentice get a deactivated lightsaber hilt the way the other 2 figs get?
And who is this guy’s Jedi father? That apparently could be why we keep calling him the “Secret Apprentice”, the packaging says Vader took the son of a fallen Jedi to be his secret apprentice. Does that mean his father is a well-known Jedi, and if so, doesn’t that mean his pops is one of the humans which limits it to Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Mace? Now that I’ve written it down, I’m betting it’ll be Qui-Gon’s secret son, it fits Qui-Gon’s rogue nature and has something poetic about Vader finding and training Qui-Gon’s hidden son, have him straddle the line between good and evil. AND it even gets Qui-Gon back into the larger saga since he’s kinda been left at the wayside.
Or maybe I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about.
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