Home Forums Sidious is Palpatine–I found proof!

  • Sidious is Palpatine–I found proof!

    Posted by Unknown Member on September 6, 2001 at 2:36 PM

    Okay, this was a given, but I saw proof last night in a local bookstore. While thumbing through one of the RPG sourcebooks (I think it was The Dark Side Handbook, or something like that), I happened upon the following quote (which is from memory and, therefore, probably way off):

    “Years before he had the Emperor’s Hands [eg Mara Jade, roughly the time period of the Classic Trilogy], Palpatine used Darth Maul as his instrument.”

    Wow! As if “I will make it legal” wasn’t enough evidence. I’m kind of surprised LucasFilm allowed this–they’ve been keeping a tight lid on the supposed mystery of Darth Sidious up until now.

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 5 months ago 0 Member · 71 Replies
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