Simpsons Figures New Releases
I thought it was time I started a Simpsons Figures post where we can keep track of the new releases. I live in Los Angeles, and this is definitely a hot market for toys. I collect mainly Star Wars, but I keep my eyes peeled for Simpsons figures as well.
About a month ago we got Series FIVE out here at the Targets ($4.99), TRU’s ($5.99), and KB-Toys ($6.99). They went quickly, and it was a couple of weeks before I saw any re-stocking of the shelves. Now you’d be lucky to find a Side Show Mel or a Kent.
Yesterday I found a Dark Horse Comics store that had the full set of Series SIX. Dr. Hibbert, Snake, Bleeding Gums Murphy, Carl, Mascot Homer, & Professor Frink. They look great!!! Happy hunting…
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