Home Forums Sirius Satellite Radio, Weird Cancelling Policy?

  • Sirius Satellite Radio, Weird Cancelling Policy?

    Posted by Unknown Member on June 10, 2008 at 4:37 AM

    So roughly about thirty minutes ago I called to cancel my Sirius radio. I used to listen to it a lot, but for the last few months it has become a waste of my $13 per said month. Besides, after about two to three hours of listening, the radio overheats, shuts off and continues to do so until it rests for a good thirty minutes.

    I finally got to the cancellation department, where the rep offers me one month of service free. I decline, explain the radio cuts out. He ups the offer to two months free service PLUS a new free radio(the Starmate 4), car kit, and free professional install. I decline, he offers two more times before realizing I wasnt going to take the offer.

    Now, you might say I’m crazy for not taking the offer, but nothing in life is free. My luck I’d be stuck in a one year service contract, making those “free” months not so free.

    The point is, quite an odd cancellation scheme going on. Last time I had to cancel something over the phone(magazines, I think) the rep didnt seem to bat an eye and simply dropped me from their service. Is satellite radio hurting that bad to offer all of that?Granted, it doesnt cost them that much, but seems odd to be going out of their way to keep me. It wasnt like I was paying the $200-something a year and they had to refund any money, it was simply month to month.

    Anyone else encounter something as odd as this?(Well, odd IMO):D

    Unknown Member replied 16 years, 4 months ago 0 Member · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies

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