Home Forums SirSteve’s Signature Line….

  • SirSteve’s Signature Line….

    Posted by Unknown Member on September 23, 2001 at 1:34 PM

    Please allow a proud papa to brag:

    My 12 year old son has TWICE donated to the Red Cross in as many days (the cans are everywhere) using his own hard-earned money! No prompting for mom or dad! Just pulled out the ol’ wallet and slammed dunked it in! $8 may not be much to you or me, but think about what it means to a 12 year old kid!

    SirSteve, you sig line is working!

    BTW, my wife and I also donated. Blood will be next (I’m a regular donor and ineligible until the first part of October…then they’ll get a pint of high octane O Negative).

    I would like other SSG members to heed SirSteve’s great advice!:)

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 5 months ago 0 Member · 2 Replies
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