So his name isn’t really Han Solo…
I didn’t see a thread for the new Han Solo movie, and I couldn’t find a post about this.
According to Disney CEO Bob Iger:
We’re actually shooting now an origin story of Han Solo, which will come out in 2018. That picks up with Han Solo when he was 18 years old and takes him through when he was 24. There are a few significant things that happen in Han Solo’s life, like acquiring a certain vehicle and meeting a certain Wookiee that will happen in this film. But you will also discover how he got his name.
So, his name isn’t really Han Solo. I wasn’t going to see this movie anyway, but that certainly reinforces my decision. You may THINK you’ve known since 1977, he was Han Solo, but you were wrong! Cue someone saying we never really knew his name, we just took his word for it. We didn’t see his birth certificate or anything…
What possible reason for this stupidity could there be for this other than some writer trying to make his or her own mark on an iconic character? Or, worse, will it be so they can do another connection in an ever shrinking galaxy? Maybe he is really a Mothma, Palpatine, Erso, Antilles, Jarrus, or Bridger…
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